Nivedana- A Community Connect Initiative

Nivedana is a proactive approach to community engagement and sustainability started on 12th January 2023. This project not only helps repurpose unused materials but also addresses the critical issue of educational equity. By providing basic educational materials to students in need, it contributes to a more equitable education system and can significantly improve their learning outcomes. This combination of educational, environmental, and community-building goals is a wonderful way to benefit both disadvantaged students and the broader community. It’s an effort that aligns with social responsibility and sustainability principles.

Nivedana is an initiative that collects unused paper from our students and the general public with an intension to donate it to the needy. The drive is conducted in three phases during a year. The paper collection campaigns usually begin after the end of each semester, because students will be using new books for the next semester.

 A box is placed in front of the college office, and donors are expected to place unused papers in it. An official notification by the college is posted and word of mouth spreads among the students and their contacts. Social media also plays a significant role.

  • During Phase I, nearly 30 kgs of unused papers were collected and 108 books were made. This was given to the Manchikodi Government School in Udupi.
  • During Phase II, nearly 27 kgs of unused papers were collected and 97 books were made. This was also given to the Manchikodi Government School in Udupi considering their requirement.
  • Created an awareness about environmental issues and the importance of recycling and waste reduction among the students.
  • Nivedana fostered a sense of community feeling among the students
  • Student volunteers learned to balance their commitment to the project with their other responsibilities- The joy of bringing a smile on the face of the deprived made them involve with passion.
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